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  • Topic:Myanmar's Failed Disciplined Democracy (in English)
  • Time:2022/10/04(二)12:20-13:50
  • Place:Room 270812, North Wing, General Building of Colleges,, NCCU
  • Host:Wang, Ray, Yun ( Associate Professor,  Graduate Institute of East Asian Studies)
  • Speacker:Roger Lee Huang (Lecture, Department of Security Studies and Criminology, Macquarie University, Australia)

Roger Lee Huang is lecturer in terrorism studies and political violence. He has broad research interests in the politics, international relations, and security of East and Southeast Asia. He has previously worked at Lingnan University (Hong Kong), the Democratic Progressive Party of Taiwan and Academia Sinica (Taiwan) and has interned with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in Yangon, Myanmar. He is the author of The Paradox of Myanmar’s Regime Change (2020), Routledge


About the Speech: The talk will discuss the 10 year 'failed experiment' of the transition from military regime to hybrid regime between 2011-2021 and offer some thoughts on the 2021 coup.

Registration: https://bit.ly/3BMCOOR

Organized by Graduate Institute of East Asian Studies, College of International Affairs

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