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Date 2022-12-08

Harry Harding, Professor Emeritus at the University of Virginia and University Chair Professor in the IDAS Program at NCCU, is seeking the following research assistants:

【Job Openings】

Several part-time Research Assistants 
Or one full-time Research Assistant 
The research assistant may also assist Professor Harding with his new course offered in the spring of 2023, depending on the interest and availability of the candidate.

【Required and Preferred Qualifications】

The research assistant must be able to conduct research in English language materials and to write clear summaries in English.  It is preferred that the research assistant also be generally familiar with the evolution of American policy toward China since 1995.  Ability to conduct research in Chinese language materials would be helpful but is not required.

【Job Descriptions】

  • Conduct research on the history of contemporary US-China relations since 1995 for the book Professor Harding is writing on that subject, identifying and locating useful materials and copying or summarizing key passages. 
  • Assist Professor Harding’s administrative assistant to organize and participate in seminars with local and foreign scholars to review draft chapters of the book as they are produced.
  • Optional: Assist with Professor Harding’s new course “U.S.-China Relations,” in Spring 2023. That job includes maintaining the course site on Moodle, locating additional readings, drafting and revising the course syllabus, attending class sessions and recording student attendance, calculating and submitting course grades, etc. The course assistant will not be responsible for evaluating the students' written work.
  • For more details about Professor Harding’s new research project and the new course, please see attached outline of the new book as well as the course description.

【Salary and Term】

The position is expected to start from 2023/1/1 to 2023/7/31, extendable to 2024.

Part-time Assistant 
Master's student: $10,000 per month minimum/ Ph. D student: $15,000 per month minimum

Full-time Assistant 
$38,000 per month

【Application Documents】

Resume, transcript of coursework at NCCU, a statement of your interest and qualifications for the position, 2 writing samples in English and names of one or two references.
Please submit applications and all inquiries to Trisha Hsu at 110252013@g.nccu.edu.tw

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