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YEH-CHUNG LU Professor, Associate Dean
Title Professor, Associate Dean
Ext. 50909
E-mail yclu@nccu.edu.tw
Classification Full-Time
Journal Papers
  • 盧業中*, 2023.10, '冷戰再起?美中關係的現狀與展望, ' 歐亞研究, No.25, pp.79-86.(*為通訊作者)
  • Yeh-chung Lu*, 2022.06, 'Taiwan in APEC: A Partner Indeed, ' East Asian Policy, Vol.14, No.2, pp.56-74.(ESCI)(*為通訊作者)
  • 盧業中*, 2019.07, '霸權國家與核武發展:論東北亞的安全情勢, ' 遠景基金會季刊, Vol.20, No.3, pp.55-99.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者)
  • 盧業中*, 2018.04, '美國對中國一帶一路倡議之態度, ' 歐亞研究, No.第三期, pp.41-46.(*為通訊作者)
  • 盧業中*, 2018.01, '六方會談2.0成形中?朝鮮半島危機前景評估, ' 歐亞研究, No.2, pp.43-52.(*為通訊作者)
  • 盧業中*, 2017.05, '川普施政受挫對川習會之可能影響, ' 中共研究, Vol.51, No.3, pp.101-105.(*為通訊作者)
  • 盧業中*, 2016.09, '美國南海政策之演變, ' 戰略與評估, Vol.7, No.2, pp.47-63.(*為通訊作者)
  • 盧業中*, 2015.09, '美國支持台灣參與國際民航組織之研究, ' 歐美研究, Vol.45, No.3, pp.301-356.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者)
  • 盧業中*, 2015.01, '當前朝鮮半島的安全困境--以2010 年天安艦事件以來為例, ' 遠景基金會季刊, Vol.16, No.1, pp.143-188.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者)
  • 盧業中*, 2015.01, '2015年東北亞情勢展望, ' 亞太評論, Vol.1, No.1, pp.1-16.(*為通訊作者)
  • 盧業中*, 2014.11, '美國南海政策與三項凍結行動主張, ' 中共研究, Vol.48, No.11, pp.122-131.(*為通訊作者)
  • Yeh-chung Lu*, 2014.10, 'Déjà Vu? China’s Assessments on the World in the Early 1990s and Late 2000s, ' Tamkang Journal of International Affairs, Vol.18, No.2, pp.25-58.(*為通訊作者)
  • Yeh-chung Lu*, 2014.04, 'Taiwan’s Viable Diplomacy in Times of Uncertainty, ' Prospect Journal, No.11, pp.39-65.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • Yeh-chung Lu*;Byung Kwang Park;Tung-chieh Tsai, 2014, 'East Asia at the Crossroads: A Comparative Study on Taiwan's and Korea's Reconciliation with Adversaries, ' On Korea 2014: Academic Paper Series, Vol.7, No.0, pp.103-125.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • Yeh-chung Lu*, 2013.09, 'End at the Water's Edge? Taiwan's Domestic Debate over Arms Procurement from the United States, ' Issues & Studies, Vol.49, No.3, pp.151-191.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • 盧業中*, 2013.08, '第五輪美"中"戰略與經濟對話評析, ' 亞太和平月刊, Vol.5, No.8, pp.10-11.(*為通訊作者)
  • Yeh-chung Lu*, 2013.03, 'Much Ado about Nothing? Trustpolitik and the Future of the Korean Peninsula, ' Prospects & Perspectives, Vol.0, No.4, pp.1-3.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • 盧業中*, 2013.03, '北韓第三次核試對東北亞局勢之影響, ' 展望與探索, Vol.11, No.3, pp.16-23.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • 盧業中*, 2013.03, '見た目は新しいが中身は変わらず:第二期オバマ政権のアジア太平洋政策の初歩研究, ' 問題與研究(日文版), Vol.42, No.1, pp.37-74.(日語(文))(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • Yeh-chung Lu*;Szu-hua Chen, 2013.01, 'Gone with the Wind? Strategic Distrust and U.S.-China Relations, ' Defense Security Brief, Vol.3, No.1, pp.7-10.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • 盧業中*, 2012.10, '全球金融危機對新自由制度主義之衝擊:以六方會談為例, ' 全球政治評論, Vol.0, No.40, pp.45-66.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • 盧業中*, 2012.09, '東海和平倡議與東北亞情勢, ' 亞太和平月刊, Vol.4, No.9, pp.5-7.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • Yeh-chung Lu*;Szu-hua Chen, 2012.06, 'The Ties That Bind: The Emerging Asia-Pacific Regional Order and Taiwan-Korea Relations, ' New Asia, Vol.19, No.2, pp.54-70.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • 盧業中, 2012.05, '注定衝突?第四次美「中」戰略與經濟對話評析, ' 中共研究, Vol.46, No.5, pp.34-42. Ref.
  • 盧業中, 2012.02, '從峰會外交看習近平訪美, ' 戰略安全研析, No.82, pp.29-37. Ref.
  • Yeh-chung Lu*, 2012, 'China, the United States, and the Future of G-2: A Preliminary Analysis, ' Taiwanese Journal of WTO Studies, No.21, pp.81-110.(*為通訊作者)
  • 盧業中, 2011, 'G20集團對全球格局發展之衝擊, ' 全球政治評論, No.33, pp.1-8. Ref.
  • Yeh-chung Lu, 2010.10, 'Gulliver in Lilliput: China''s Rise and Its Implications for the Asia-Pacific Region, ' New Asia, Vol.17, No.3, pp.37-55.
  • 盧業中, 2010.07, 'ECFA之國際效應初探, ' 戰略安全研析, No.63, pp.8-11. Ref.
  • 盧業中, 2010.05, '2010年「核子安全高峰會」研析, ' 戰略安全研析, No.61, pp.21-25. Ref.
  • 盧業中, 2010.03, '歐巴馬國情咨文報告之研析, ' 亞太和平月刊, Vol.2, No.3. Ref.
  • Yeh-chung Lu, 2010.01, 'G-2: An Option for China?, ' Peace Forum,. Ref.
  • Hongying Wang*;Yeh-chung Lu, 2008.08, 'The Conception of Soft Power and Its Policy Implications: A Comparative Study of China and Taiwan, ' Journal of Contemporary China, Vol.17, No.56, pp.425-447.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • 盧業中*, 2006.12, '美國期中選舉後對兩岸之政策, ' 戰略安全研析, No.20.(*為通訊作者)
  • 盧業中, 2004.12, '東協區域合作:國際關係理論的再檢視, ' APEC評論, No.12. Ref.
  • 盧業中*, 2002.03, '論國際關係理論之新自由制度主義, ' 問題與研究, Vol.41, No.2, pp.43-67.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • 盧業中, 2001.12, '主要國際關係理論中新現實主義、新自由制度主義與建構主義之比較研究, ' 中山人文社會科學學報, Vol.9, No.2. Ref.
  • 林家如;盧業中, 2000.10, '我國參與APEC的回顧與展望--專訪前經建會主委江丙坤先生, ' 臺灣經濟研究月刊, Vol.23, No.10, pp.15-17. Ref.
  • 盧業中, 2000.10, 'APEC爭端解決機制的再思考, ' 臺灣經濟研究月刊, Vol.23, No.10, pp.25-31. Ref.
  • 林家如;盧業中, 2000.10, '各國參加APEC之動機與策略, ' 臺灣經濟研究月刊, Vol.23, No.10, pp.43-49. Ref.
Conference Papers
  • Yeh-chung Lu*, 2023.08, 'Grand Strategy under Contestation: How the Rise of China Shaped the US Perceptions and Choices, ' Global Role of Asia-Indo Pacific in International Relations: Anthropocene, Peace and Security, International Studies Association.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者)
  • 盧業中*, 2022.11, '美國國家大戰略:可持續的研究議程?, ' 中華民國國際關係學會年會, 中華民國國際關係學會.(*為通訊作者)
  • 盧業中*, 2022.03, '川普對中國的定位與習近平的認知, ' 「2017-2021 年川普政府美中台關係及其影響」研討會, 中央研究院歐美研究所.(*為通訊作者)
  • Yeh-chung Lu*, 2020.09, 'Actions Speak Louder Than Words: EADF and the Future of Democracy in East Asia, ' 2020 APSA Annual Meeting, American Political Science Association.(*為通訊作者)
  • Yeh-chung Lu*, 2019.10, 'Trading with the Enemy? How Taiwan Debates Its Trading Relations with China, ' Workshop on “Maneuvering in a World of Great Powers”, Institute of East Asian Studies, UC-Berkeley.(*為通訊作者)
  • 盧業中*, 2019.05, '台灣在美國印太願景中的角色初探, ' 前瞻淡江戰略學派:理論與實務的檢視, 淡江大學國際事務與戰略研究所, pp.103-118.(*為通訊作者)
  • Yeh-chung Lu*, 2018.11, 'From Strategic Ambiguity to Strategic Clarity?: How the Trump Administration Managed Policy toward China and Taiwan in Its First Two Years, ' 中華民國國際關係學會年會, 中華民國國際關係學會.(*為通訊作者)
  • 盧業中*, 2018.11, '擺盪在兩強之間:文在寅總統時期的韓美中關係初探, ' 第十六屆全球戰略與台海安全學術研討會, 國立中興大學國際政治研究所.(*為通訊作者)
  • 盧業中*, 2017.04, 'Trading Taiwan for North Korea? How the US Manages Security Relations with China in East Asia, ' Taiwan’s Foreign PolicyAfter 2016 US Presidential Election, 國立政治大學國際事務學院拉丁美洲研究中心.(*為通訊作者)
  • Yeh-chung Lu*, 2015.04, 'Bringing Perception Back-in: Rethinking the Effects of Economic Interdependence in Northeast Asia, ' the 12th Annual Conference of the European Association of Taiwan Studies, EATS.(*為通訊作者)
  • 盧業中*, 2013.12, '二十年危機?新自由制度主義的再檢視, ' 變動世界中的衝突與和平, 中華民國國際關係學會.(*為通訊作者)
  • Yeh-chung Lu*, 2013.08, '"He Says, Xi Says": China''s Views on Maritime Security in East Asia, ' Annual Meeting, American Political Science Association.(*為通訊作者)
  • Yeh-chung Lu*;Byung Kwang Park;Tung-chieh Tsai, 2013.07, 'East Asia at the Crossroads: A Comparative Study on Taiwan''s and Korea''s Reconciliation with Adversaries, ' Academic Paper Series, Korea Economic Institute of America.(*為通訊作者)
  • Yeh-chung Lu*, 2012.11, 'Maritime Security in Asia-Pacific: Taiwan''s Contribution as a Peacemaker, ' Strategic and Geopolitical Issues in the Contemporary World, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • 盧業中*, 2012.10, '中國大陸與世界貿易組織:從規則遵守者到規則制定者?, ' 全球變遷與興起中的國際秩序, 中華民國國際關係學會.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • Yeh-chung Lu*, 2012.09, 'Words and Deeds: The Ma Ying-jeou Administration''s View on Arms Procurement from the United States, ' Building National Security for the Republic of China, Center for Asian Studies, University of South Carolina.(*為通訊作者)
  • Yeh-chung Lu*, 2012.08, 'China and the Liberal International Order: Did China''s Accession to WTO Shape Its Behavior?, ' The Annual Conference of American Political Science Association, APSA.(*為通訊作者)
  • Yeh-chung Lu, 2012.08, 'End at the Water''s Edge? Taiwan''s Domestic Debate over Arms Procurement from the United States, ' Conference on US Arms Sales to Taiwan: A Policy at a Crossroads, the Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica.
  • Yeh-chung Lu, 2012.03, 'China and the Liberal International Order: Implications for the Asia-Pacific Region, ' New Perspectives of Asia-Pacific Security, 淡江大學戰略與國際事務研究所, pp.46-64. Ref.
  • 盧業中, 2011.11, '全球金融危機對新自由制度主義之衝擊:以東亞地區之安全議題為例, ' 第九屆全球戰略與台海安全學術研討會, 國立中興大學國際政治研究所. Ref.
  • 盧業中, 2011.10, '理性?不理性?小布希發動伊拉克戰爭之研析, ' 「百年民國-自由民主與兩岸和平之際遇」研討會, 中國政治學會. Ref.
  • 鄧中堅*;盧業中, 2011.10, '中國大陸國家機關角色與能源安全:以政府部門對於石油能源取得之規劃為例, ' 第四屆海峽兩岸能源經濟學術研討會.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • Chung-Chian Teng*;Yeh-Chung Lu, 2011.09, 'Butter versus Guns: Economic Interdependence and the Cross-Strait Relations, ' 2011 APSA Annual Meeting, American Political Science Association.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • Yeh-chung Lu, 2011.08, 'The Ties that Divide: China, the Six-Party Talks, and Peace in the Korean Peninsula, ' World Crisis: Revolution or Evolution in the International Community?, The World International Studies Committee, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, August 17-20, 2011.. Ref.
  • Yeh-chung Lu, 2011.06, 'From Wealth to Power?: Trade Expectations and China''s Assertive International Behavior, ' “China in the World, the World in China” International Conference by Institute of China Studies (ICS), University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1-2 June, 2011..
  • Yeh-chung Lu, 2011.05, 'China, the US, and the Future of G2, ' Living with Giants: A Canada-East Asia Dialogue on Regional and Global Issues, College of International Affairs, NCCU and Canadian Trade Office in Taipei. Ref.
  • 盧業中, 2011.03, '自由主義國際關係理論與東亞合作, ' 「東亞的理論與理論的東亞:當代國際關係理論與區域實踐的對話」概念論文研討會, 政治大學國際關係研究中心. Ref.
  • 盧業中, 2010.12, '中美關係:從「非敵非友」到「同舟共濟」?, ' 「當代中國的東亞外交策略和關係:區域霸權興起?」研討會, 教育部顧問室中綱計畫、成功大學政治學系. Ref.
  • 盧業中, 2010.10, 'G20:合作平台還是鬥爭場域?, ' 「國際政治經濟學與金磚四國」研討會, 政治大學外交系. Ref.
  • 盧業中*;陳陸輝, 2010.08, 'To Talk or Not to Talk: Domestic Constraints on Ma Ying-jeou''s Political Reach-Out to China, ' Green Cooperation for Peace and Life, Theme IV: Communication and Peace, Korean Association of International Studies, pp.121-138.(*為通訊作者)
  • 盧業中, 2010.06, '論當代國際關係研究之自由主義學派, ' 中華民國國際關係學會第三屆年會:理論與實務的對話, 中華民國國際關係學會. Ref.
  • 左正東;王高成;蔡東杰;盧業中, 2009.12, '歐巴馬東亞行與美「中」關係之回顧與展望, ' 歐巴馬東亞行與美「中」關係之回顧與展望座談會. Ref.
  • Yeh-chung Lu, 2009.09, 'Chimerica or Chimera? Implications for Taiwan, ' The 3rd Taiwan-Korea Forum, 財團法人兩岸交流遠景基金會、韓國新亞洲研究中心. Ref.
  • Yeh-chung Lu, 2008.07, 'Economic Interdependence and China''s Accommodation to the US in the Post-Cold War Era, ' 2008 ACPS-HKIAPS International Conference.
  • Yeh-chung Lu, 2007.10, 'Fad or Fact? Soft Power in the Case of Taiwan, ' 2007 AACS Annual Conference.
  • 鄧中堅*;盧業中, 2007.05, '解析中國二十一世紀能源外交戰略:國家主導抑或市場運作?, ' 「中國大陸對非西方世界石油能源戰略與外交」研討會, 國立政治大學外交系.(*為通訊作者)
  • Yeh-chung Lu, 2006.11, 'Ideas Travel Freely? How China Perceives Taiwan''s Soft Power, ' The 13th Taiwan Conference, The Center for Asian Studies, University of South Carolina.
  • Hongying Wang;Yeh-chung Lu, 2006.03, 'Soft Power in East Asia, ' ACPS Annual Conference, University of Kentucky.
  • Yeh-chung Lu, 2006.03, 'Rising China, Rising Xenophobia? Understanding China''s Anti-Japan Sentiments, ' The Annual Conference of ISA, International Studies Association.
Book Chapters
  • 盧業中*, 2023.09, '霸權之後?從《北美自由貿易協定》到《美墨加協定》, ' 分裂的世界?:21世界全球區域化崛起, 聯經出版社, pp.339-369.(*為通訊作者)
  • Chung-chian Teng;Yeh-chung Lu*, 2022.03, 'The Impact of US Domestic Politics on the Trade War, ' The Political Logic of US-China Trade War, Lexington Books, pp.193-212.(*為通訊作者)
  • 盧業中*, 2021.12, '美國支持臺灣參與國際民航組織之研究, ' 《中美關係專題研究:2012-2016》, 中央研究院歐美研究所, pp.39-75.(*為通訊作者)
  • 盧業中*, 2019.12, '擺盪在兩強之間:文在寅總統時期的韓美中關係初探, ' 左右逢源還是左右為難?中小型國家在兩強間的抉擇, 奇果創新國際/中興大學全球和平與戰略研究中心系列叢書, pp.175-193.(*為通訊作者)
  • 盧業中*, 2018.07, '全球化時代的聯合國(導讀), ' 認識聯合國, 五南, pp.7-12.(*為通訊作者)
  • 盧業中*, 2018.06, '自由主義與新自由主義, ' 國際關係理論入門, 五南, pp.35-58.(*為通訊作者)
  • Yeh-chung Lu*, 2017.10, 'My Lawn is Greener than Yours: The American and Chinese Views on the International Order, ' US-China Relations and the Changing Security Dynamics in East Asia, Tamkang University Press, pp.85-97.(*為通訊作者)
  • Yeh-chung Lu*, 2016.07, 'From Washington with Love? Taiwan’s Perspective on the US Rebalance to Asia, ' Asia Pacific Countries and the US Rebalancing Strategy, Palgrave Macmillan, pp.211-225.(*為通訊作者)
  • 盧業中*, 2016.01, '聯合國安理會與人類安全--兼論對臺灣之意涵與啟示, ' 臺灣與非傳統安全, 五南, pp.261-274.(*為通訊作者)
  • 盧業中*, 2015.12, '美「中」關係與臺海安全, ' 東亞區域安全形勢評估:2014-2015, 遠景基金會, pp.33-50.(*為通訊作者)
  • 盧業中, 2015, '自由主義國際關係理論與東亞合作, ' 東亞的理論與理論的東亞, 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心, pp.201-227. Ref.
  • Yeh-chung Lu*, 2013.10, 'Maritime Security in Asia-Pacific: Taiwan''s Contribution as A Peacemaker, ' Strategic and Geopolitical Issues in the Contemporary World, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp.253-270.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • Yeh-chung Lu*, 2013.07, 'Choice and Consequence: The U.S. Policy and the Security Context in Asia-Pacific, ' Japan and Taiwan in a New Era, Ocean Policy Research Foundation.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • Yeh-chung Lu, 2012.05, 'China and the Liberal International Order: Implications for the Asia-Pacific Region, ' 王高成等作,翁明賢主編,變遷中的亞太戰略情勢, 淡江大學國際事務與戰略研究所, pp.45-62. Ref.
  • 盧業中, 2012, '中美關係:從「非敵非友」到「同舟共濟」?, ' 宋鎮照等合著,當代中國的東亞外交策略與關係:區域霸權興起?, 五南, pp.89-118.
  • Yeh-chung Lu, 2011.03, 'Regional Cooperation in East Asia: Problems and Prospects, ' Prospects and Perspectives 2010, Prospect Foundation, pp.119-124.
  • 盧業中, 2010, '國際關係學之自由主義的理論, ' 明居正主編,國際關係綜論, 晶典文化, pp.91-118. Ref.
  • John Park*;Yeh-chung Lu, 2008, 'Peace by Piece: The Six-Party Talks and Beyond, ' Conflict Management, Security and Intervention in East Asia: Third-Party Mediation in Regional Conflict, Routledge.(*為通訊作者)
Research Report
  • 陳陸輝*;游清鑫;盧業中, 2011.05, '「民眾對當前兩岸關係之看法」民意調查報告書, ' 行政院大陸委員會委託.(*為通訊作者)
  • Yeh-chung Lu*, 2024.04, 'Taiwan’s Response to the Potential Crisis in the Korean Peninsula, '.(*為通訊作者)
  • 盧業中*, 2022.11, '"A Looming Crisis over the Taiwan Strait," Voices on War and Peace, '.(*為通訊作者)
  • 盧業中*, 2022.04, '俄烏情勢對美中關係及印太戰略影響,《大陸與兩岸情勢簡報》, '.(*為通訊作者)
  • 盧業中*, 2021.06, '"The Biden-Moon Summit: What It Means for the Indo-Pacific Region," Prospects & Perspectives, No. 31, 2021, '.(*為通訊作者)
  • Yeh-chung Lu*, 2020.10, '"The First and Second Taiwan Strait Crises," Strategic Learning Project, Stimson Center, Washington DC, USA, '.(*為通訊作者)
  • 盧業中*, 2020.09, '美國總統大選對中政策及影響觀察,《大陸與兩岸情勢簡報》, '.(*為通訊作者)
  • 盧業中*, 2017.05, '川普施政受挫對川習會之可能影響, '.(*為通訊作者)
  • 盧業中*, 2017.04, '習近平訪美及「川習會」概述, '.(*為通訊作者)
  • 盧業中*, 2016.12, '美國總統大選後美「中」臺關係發展觀察,大陸與兩岸情勢簡報, '.(*為通訊作者)
  • Emily S. Chen*;Yeh-chung Lu, 2015.12, 'Strait Talk: Taiwan's Politicians are Split on Keeping the ‘Status Quo’, '.(*為通訊作者)
  • 盧業中*, 2015.06, 'A New Normal in the Making: The U.S.-Japan Alliance and East Asian Security, '.(*為通訊作者)
  • Yeh-chung Lu*, 2014.12, 'The South China Sea and Great Power Politics: Implications for U.S.-China-Taiwan Relations, '.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • 盧業中*, 2014.11, '十年磨一劍?從「孔子學院」在西方受挫看中共軟實力發展, '.(*為通訊作者)
  • Yeh-chung Lu*, 2014.04, 'The Taiwan Relations Act at 35 Years: The Path Ahead, '.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
  • 盧業中*, 2014.04, '近期北韓飛彈危機與東北亞安全, '.(*為通訊作者) Ref.
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