Here are 5 steps to apply to conduct a proposal defense.
Step 1|Prepare documents
Please submit the following documents to the office 2 WEEKS before your defense date.
- Declaration Form of Thesis Topic & Advisor
Path: iNCCU → Campus web info. portal → Academics → Graduate Student Degree Thesis Title Declaration (研究生申報論文題目)
※ Advisor(s) only. Please do not fill out every committee member.
- Application Form for Thesis Proposal Exam (for IMPIS students)
Please print it double-sided (one piece of paper)
- A hardcopy of your proposal with advisor’s signature on the cover page
Please print it yourself, IMPIS office does not provide the printing service.
※ About committee members
- Who can be your committee members?
The same conditions with the advisor(s). (Please see the page of "Start & Overall Regulations"
- How should the committee be formed?
You would need to discuss your committee members with your advisor(s).
⅓ of the committee members should be affiliated with another institution (i.e. not work in NCCU).
Part-time professors can be considered affiliated to NCCU or other institutions.
Retired professors are considered affiliated to other institutions.
Step 2|Reserve a conference room
When you have discussed the date and time of your proposal defense, please contact IMPIS Office and reserve the conference room.
The date and time MUST be discussed with your advisor and your committee.
Room reservation is on first-come-first serve base. If there is no room available, you would need to change the date and(or) time.
Step 3|Submit documents
Submit ALL documents of step 1 to IMPIS Office. IMPIS Office will not accept incomplete submission.
Must be done 2 weeks before the date of your proposal defense.
Late submission will NOT be accepted. No exceptions with any reason. Please make a good time management.
Step 4|Provide your proposal to the committee members
Whether your proposal is sent by mail (hard copy) or email should depend on your committee members' preference.
Step 5|Be prepared for your proposal defense and pass it!